The true meaning of success.

Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and write down the first thing that pops into your head when you think of the word success.

What does success mean to you? Two things to ponder that are really enlightening are:

1) Is what you wrote a definition that was determined for you by you or someone else?  It is based on living up to someone else’s dream or expectation of what you should achieve? Why is that?

2) Is what you wrote was only in reference to money or financial status? If so, it’s not surprising – most people do.

Money is often quickly and automatically (without thought) equated with success, but using as a measuring stick to measure your sense of self worth can be detrimental.

Let’s face it, money is important, but success (like most things in life) is rarely comprised of one singular thing – it’s a recipe of several things that is unique to you.

What if you’re not currently experiencing the level of financial abundance that you equate with success?

Do you then judge yourself as a failure?

How can you produce your most creative, awe-inspiring works, or come up with your million dollar idea when you feel like garbage about yourself? You can’t.

If you don’t believe how much that mindset affects your work, next time you feel that way listen to the tone of your voice, or take a look in the mirror.

A low, monotone, ‘life sucks right now’ voice, a furrowed brow and slouched shoulders say it all.

What might surprise you is that there are many people who have been very financially successful and yet they still do not feel like a success.

There are so many stories of people who have walked away from illustrious and high paying careers because it wasn’t fulfilling them.

People need more than money to have a deeply rewarding life.

A long time ago, I chose to not let a number dictate my level of success, whether it’s the one in my bank account or the one on the bathroom scale.

My definition of success has changed over the years, and letting God guide my steps now tops my list.

Success is something that is deeper than superficial things like fame or fortune. It’s inside of you, deeply woven into your beliefs and it’s a very personal recipe. You can’t achieve it until you know what it looks like!

Take Action and Step into your Brilliance:

Take time to contemplate on what the real meaning of success is to you, and write it down for what it looks like both in your business and personal life.

Once you do that, you can begin a plan to achieve it!

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