How to sell without feeling sleazy

If you’re like most coaches and creative entrepreneurs, the mere thought of asking for the sale makes you feel slimy, salesy, gross, uncomfortable, manipulative, pushy (did I miss one?) – wouldn’t selling without feeling sleazy feel GREAT?

How do you feel when the time comes to ask someone to work with you; or do you even get that close? Does your inner dialogue go something like this: “I’m a coach, speaker, (fill in the blank with what you do), I’m not a sales person.”?

I know how uncomfortable it feels. You don’t want people to think you’re using them, or that you only want their money. You don’t want them to not like you. Do you hear yourself backpedaling, discounting or even tempted to work for free.?

[bctt tweet=”If you’re uncomfortable asking for the sale, your prospect will be uncomfortable too.”]

There’s no getting around it when you’re an entrepreneur – you’ve gotta make the sale – so how do you deal with it?
Let’s shift perspectives.

As a coach or service based entrepreneur, your story is very likely your clients’ story too. You have been where they are now, and you found the solution to move forward. Whether it’s the frustration of learning WordPress, losing weight, or transitioning through divorce, if you’ve been there you truly GET their pain. This is powerful to leverage.

The secret to selling without feeling sleazy is in your story.

Your secret weapon is your ability to RELATE to your prospects pain, because you’ve been there too.

When you shift your focus on how THEY feel, YOU think and feel differently. You approach the situation differently, because you’re in the helper mindset that’s your feel good place.

Knowing and believing in your value to help them solve their problem (strengthened through your brand), you have the chance to position selling to them from a different perspective. You have the opportunity to come alongside them and let them know you have the solution they’ve been waiting for – the knowledge they need to solve their problem; and you can do so earnestly, caringly, without feeling slimy, salesy, gross, uncomfortable, or manipulative.

Because as soon as you shift your attention to them and take it away from yourself, you flip the psychological switch and selling becomes an act of caring, an opportunity to help and something you can feel good about.
Do you feel uncomfortable asking for the sale? How have you overcome it? Did this post resonate with you? I wanna hear from you, take a moment and share your experience.‘

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